Michael Maslowski's Portfolio
A4 - Deformers
This is a 3D model for CGT 116 assignment 04. The assignment was to create a marble madness course. Although several ideas came to mind, I wanted to create a course that shows the progress of movie media from old cameras to CDs. In order to add more detail to the course, I added popcorn tubs and a textured rug to the model. The centerpiece camera was the object that took the most time to model.
About the Model
Within this model, I used sine, twist, flare, and bend deformers to form several objects.
I used the flare deformer to create the popcorn tub, the body of the camera, and the base of the lens.
I used the sine deformer for the film and vhs tape. The sine deformer gave the objects a bendy appearance.
Additionally to the sine deformer, I added a twist deformer to the VHS tape to give it a more unique and active shape.
I added a bend deformer to the sides of the handle to create a clean bend in the handle.
Texture Deformer :
A modeling technique I utilized in my model was the texture deformer to create a more fabric-like base
Extra detail:
Within my model, I experimented with adding custom materials to the model to make it more visually appealing. I utilized this technique when creating the CDs, popcorn tubs, and carpet. I attempted to make one for the VHS, but I had difficulty with implementing it properly.
Pain Points:
A big pain point within the model was shaping the metal wraps around the legs of the camera. Another big pain point was uploading the model to Sketch-Fab where my materials would not load.