Michael Maslowski's Portfolio

Blood Brothers
Blood Brothers is a boardgame that won the 2019 Game Hackathon at Purdue University. The game focuses on three freshmen boys, attempting to rush the VΔM fraternity, find themselves forced into a final test—a maze, which they must traverse in order to join the fraternity. Little do they know, a sinister creature is among them during their final test…

The Game
Blood Brothers is a four player game that involves navigating a maze and finding items. Players take turns placing items onto the game board before starting. When a player collects an item, they draw from the item card pile. After a set amount of turns, a player is turned into a vampire and hunts the other players. The first team to survive wins.
Throughout the game, players can obtain items. There are four types of cards: human, vampire, equipment, and consumable. Human cards can only be played by humans and have a green gem. Vampire cards can only be played by vampires and have a red gem. Equipment cards be used by any player and can be equipped to aid in combat. Consumable cards have a single use effect.

Combat consists of players making an attack roll on an opposing player. The attacking player rolls three 6-sided die to determine the damage inflicted. If a player has a weapon that deals damage, that damage is added to the final total. Vampires start with 50 health while humans start with 20 health.