Michael Maslowski's Portfolio
Dungeon Ball
Dungeon Ball is an experimental physics-based game that combines RPG features with a pinball game. This project was developed by a group consisting of Michael Maslowski, David Levine, Jamil Morgan, Andrew Snyder, Abishek Vemula. My role within the project was game design director, producer, and programmer.
Game Overview
The game consists of two levels. Reaching 1300 points on level 1 moves the player to level 2. The player can earn points by completing level objectives or hitting the ball into bumpers.
Stat Mechanics
A player will increase in level for every 300 points earned and increase one of three stats: Lives, Strength, and Luck. Lives is the amount of balls left. Strength is the amount of damage that is dealt to enemies. Luck is a point multiplier.
Fight Mechanics
Within the two levels, there are enemies that a player can defeat. Enemies have a health total that gets reduced by the player's strength on each hit. Each hit adds points proportional to the damage dealt to the enemy. Upon defeat, a large sum of points is rewarded to the player.