Michael Maslowski's Portfolio
Ripped is a procedurally generated deck-building dungeon-crawler game. The player is tasked with fighting enemies within the dungeon to build a strong enough deck to fight the final boss. The cards, enemies, and level are all procedurally generated.
The Gameplay
Ripped has a turn-based combat system that uses cards to determine the player's actions. Currently implemented cards allow the player to attack, heal, defend, and gain resources. In order to play a card, the player must spend the required amount of resources in order to play a card. A player is able to gain resources by playing resource cards or by "ripping" cards which removes them from play for the duration of the battle.
As mentioned before, the player uses cards to determine what actions they want to do. The player starts the game with 5 cards in their starting hand. These cards can be played if the player has enough resources or "scraps". In addition to choosing their actions for the turn, they are provided insight into what the enemy will do on their turn. This adds a level of strategy as the player will have to decide the best course of actions with the information provided to the player.
Deck Building
After a player wins a battle with an enemy, the player is adds one of three procedurally generated cards to their deck. These cards are stronger than the ones the player currently has, and will remain with the player for the rest of their game until they lose.
Level Generation
The levels of Ripped are all procedurally generated. This provides the player with an unlimited amount of unique levels. Enemies are also generated in each room during this process. As players travel further into the dungeon, they will encounter stronger enemies, but players will also find stronger cards as a reward.
Game Design Document
This document encompasses the goals we set in creating the game as well as narrative, setting, and aesthetic information to mold our game around.