Michael Maslowski's Portfolio
A8 - Plant
This is a 3D model for CGT 116 assignment 08. The assignment was to create a potted plant with UV textures and unique deformers.
Plant stem and leaves
I started modeling the plant by creating multiple curves that will serve a stems. I extruded a cube along these curves to create the unique shape of the stems. Additionally, the stem has a taper of .23 to create a shift in size from pot to outer stem. The leaves I created using a cube, flattening it, adding multiple subdivisions, and then molding it into the shape of the leaf. I then deformed the leaf using sine deformers to give it a natural-looking bend.
Plant pot
The plant pot started as a column. I flared the top of the column to create the shape of the pot and then indented it to create a hole within the pot. I then chamfered the outer edges of the pot to create a realistic looking pot. For the texture, I found plants in weaved pots which I liked, so I utilized a weave texture for the pot itself.
Plant dirt
The plant dirt started as a disc that was the size of the pot's indent. I then used a texture deformer to create the varied topography of the dirt.